Thursday, July 06, 2006

More McRamblings

More McRamblings….

You either believe we are in a war or you don’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have come to the conclusion that the political beliefs in this country are widely diverse, but sincere. I think that the radical left has it’s agenda and the radical right has one as well. While I don’t believe that either is completely correct, I do believe that if we were to make a line measurement of 1-10 with 1 being the most radical left and 10 being the most radical right, I would fall somewhere in the 7-8 range. I think that those of us who are generally at that level believe that the world is at war … perhaps the most important war history has ever recorded!!! I think that those people who would fall into the 1-5 range not only don’t believe that this war exists, but that the U.S. is mostly at fault for all of the world’s problems and catastrophes. The left that would be in the 4-5 range are more reasonable… but buys, to some extent, the socialist ran tings of the extremists. They are swayed by the arguments that Iraq was unnecessary and that Bin Laden has not yet been captured. They see things without building into these facts, the BIG PICTURE. They are willing to lean to the extreme left because they do not want to believe that the situation is really that dangerous. Everyday living Americans don’t like to face problems; they would rather believe that none exists or that it will go away if left alone. I would guess that the 6-8 rated conservatists might be leaning that way as well as they tire of the long war.

No matter. The over-riding truth is that the world is in a war!!! A HOLY War!!!! … The dreaded Jihad that everyone would like to avoid and has avoided for the last century is HERE. . The early actions of Bin Laden were only part of what has been happening in the Middle East for many years. The schools there teach hatred of the west and especially the Jews. They feel that part of their homeland has been stolen and they will not rest until it is taken back. They have been waging this war for a thousand years dating back to the crusades, but have gotten especially hot since the UN ceded Jerusalem to the Jews and the Palestinians preferred to leave it. It is my understanding that they did not have to leave and that many Palestinians continued to live in the Jewish controlled lands, although much has changed in the 60 years of this control. It may never be completely solved to everyone’s satisfaction.

Given these facts, the actions of George W Bush during his presidency, have not only been the right thing to do, but the NECESSARY thing to do. It should have been done in 1993 following the first bombing of the World Trade Center and perhaps the destruction of 9/11 could have been avoided. Somehow the existence of this war must be realized by the entire political spectrum of this country…. BOTH SIDES. We must realize that it is necessary to have a unified approach to fighting this war reminiscent of WWII. Sometime I wonder if we can ever reach these limits with the “free” press taking political positions as they do.

I have great concern about the “free” press in the U.S. How is it that a writer of the news is such an “expert” that they can pass judgment on information that becomes available to them as to what is in the best interests of the people and what should be reported. In the past, most reporters and newsmen were committed to the policy of the U.S…. whatever it might be and while they may have personal preferences they didn’t report their feelings as the “news.” Could they write editorials and express their own concerns… you bet! But to report as current news their “version” of something without being totally objective was unheard of and cannot now be tolerated. The recent reporting of the New York Times is reprehensible in a country that is fighting to make the world safe for it’s citizens. The persons responsible for most of the world’s problems …. The Judaists ….follow the US news reporting and the political ran tings of our left and right with great interest and react to any information that comes to them. Be sure that Bin Laden (if he is still alive… a fact that I doubt very seriously) and his counterparts in other parts of the world watch the “evening” news, the “Today” show, Fax News and CNN. They also read our papers and try to “piggyback” on our ups and downs. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that we are dealing with a bunch of superhuman brain surgeons, but many of the leaders are very savvy about using the trends of the world to their advantage. The New York Times story was really unnecessary… It did little to offer information that was not already known to many in this country, but “sensationalized” the story to make a political point… dis-credit Bush if we can. The NYT must be responsible to the best interests of the war and the safety of our nation’s people no matter their political bending.

So many things have become apparent lately that any of these events could greatly affect where this country is heading. Certainly, the war over rides most of these, but there are also some other interesting trends for us to watch, as at least one (discussed below) may have a bearing on the future of the war in the US..

A recent book, by Sheldon Steel addresses one situation that I believe is most accurate. He calls his book “White Guilt” and discusses the change that occurred with the black population of this country following the segregation years before the 1960s. He talks about the effect that Dick Gregory and his ilk had on the black youth of the country during the transition period of the late sixties reminding them that this is an opportunity to gather more from the past injustices of the whites than just equality as citizens. He further talks about how White America has passed into a position of “proving” that they are not racist by over reacting to the black efforts to gain equality, if not advantage! He says that the new black ethic embraced rejection and non-conformity as a means of exploiting the guilt-ridden whites. He tells us how the black community generally has not chosen to pursue an equal footing with whites by directly competing. rather, use the guilt that is prevalent in white America to gain advantage in matters of justice, education and social order. The blacks are being told by the Jesse Jacksons of the world and the liberal left of the country that they must seek assistance and help from the established order… (most notably white), and that the way to get this help is through them and their efforts. It has been a recipe for disaster for the black community, while a meal-ticket for the liberal left. . They have not been given reasons to compete on their abilities and hard work, rather they have relied on the establishment to supplement their existence as a “pay-back” for what they are “owed”. This has almost reached the proportions of repatriation payments for “sins” of our ancestors. I don’t know about you, but my ancestors were suffering themselves in the great Potato Famine in Ireland and migrated to this country in the late 19th century. I guess I’m exempt!!!

Steele’s commentary is on the money and along with people like Bill Cosby gives some hope that the black community can someday reach an accord that everyone in the US is not only happy with, but works for the benefit of everyone. The black community must pull themselves up the way that the Irish, Italian eastern European and others did to gain the respect and equality they deserve. That day will come when black people no longer over react to words like “nigger” and quit hiding behind the term African American to describe their color. When they can refer to themselves as “black” without self-degradation, ………. Equality will be reached.

The biggest fear that I have regarding this new transition of the black community is the existence of “Premiere” Farrakon and his group of Black Muslims. It is my feeling that these guys have been far to quiet recently. I know that the CIA the FBI and all the other regulators of this country are just as aware of these guys as I am, and perhaps have been the reason that more has not been heard from their corner, but I would guess that they will become very active should cells in this country begin to cause trouble. I have no doubt that they are committed to themselves under the guise of Muslimism and would gladly take part in any action that they feel may overthrow the government in the US as we know it. .

The great Jihad may last a hundred years… maybe even longer. It is going to be necessary to not only win this thing, but to KILL almost a whole generation of Muslim Jihadists now located in many parts of the world, including the USA. These people are beyond rehabilitation. It will be necessary to begin re-teaching the young of these countries to the ways of living harmoniously yet still practice whatever religion or personal belief that they may have. It is the reason that Bush is in Iraq right now…. Building a democracy in the middle of the Jihadist Muslims… Together with Jerusalem, Afghanistan and a changing Saudi Arabia, perhaps this will be the “foothold” needed to begin changing a part of the world that is the last to embrace democracy. We can see the benefits of this changeover by what has happened in the past 100 years in Europe and Asia. What were once factions (nationalistic) that were trying to gain control to protect their way of life, is now democracies co-exisiting in a group of countries dedicated to mutually beneficial policies. The problem is now centered in the Middle East.. with central Africa to possibly follow. . . We must institute a different culture to these people that rewards them while they are living rather than promise them great rewards after death.


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